Ran 30 minutes as scheduled this AM. I ran to a Motion Traxx running mp3 that includes intervals at 150-160-170 BPM rhythm.
Yesterday evening I ran for 10 minutes. I am not much of a heat or late day runner I always feel so tired. But I'm gonna do it. Running still hasn't fatiqued my legs, mind or rest of my body as much as several jobs that I've held. That is how I'm trying to guage "overtraining" with the running. I've known real, continuous overuse. When I worked on my feet for many hours a day I would have trouble getting to sleep at night because my legs were so tired. I also had a tendency to have leg cramps. During that period of time, in despiration, I would listen to relaxation tapes. They worked.
Again, I plan to run 10 minutes this afternoon. If I can only do 5 minutes, I'll do that.
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